Expressions with the word “first” are commonly used in English to convey various meanings and ideas. These expressions add depth and nuance to our conversations, allowing us to express ourselves more effectively. In this article, we will explore a collection of expressions with “first” and delve into their meanings and usage examples. So, let’s dive in and discover the many ways we can incorporate these expressions into our daily conversations.
At first
Meaning: At the beginning; initially
Example: At first, I thought the flowers were artificial, but they turned out to be real.
At first sight
Meaning: As soon as you see someone or something
Example: We fell in love with the house at first sight.
First class
Meaning: The best and most expensive part of a train, plane, etc.
Example: Rich people always travel first class.
First come, first served
Meaning: People will be served or dealt with in the order of arrival
Example: Tickets for the concert will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.
First and foremost
Meaning: First of all; the most important thing to begin with
Example: First and foremost, let me give you the results of the test.
First go
Meaning: On the first try or attempt
Example: Harry passed his driving test first go.
Meaning: Obtained directly, not through other people
Example: There’s no doubt about it. I got the information first-hand.
First impressions
Meaning: Opinions formed the first time people meet
Example: Be sure to dress appropriately; first impressions are important.
First love
Meaning 1: The first person you fall in love with
Example: Harry was my first love; I’ll never forget him.
Meaning 2: The first activity you become passionate or enthusiastic about
Example: I work in marketing, but surfing is my first love, and I couldn’t imagine life without it.
First of all
Meaning: To begin with
Example: First of all, let’s read the report, then we can discuss the matter further.
First off the mark
Meaning: Act more quickly than anyone else
Example: Several people jumped in to help the child, but Tony was first off the mark.
First past the post
Meaning: First to reach the finishing line in a race
Example: Jack’s horse was first past the post!
First port of call
Meaning: The first place to go to start a process or journey
Example: If we were to visit Europe, Paris would be our first port of call.
First thing
Meaning: What you begin with
Example: I’ll send it to you first thing tomorrow morning.
First things first
Meaning: Do things in the proper order, starting with the most important
Example: Before assembling anything, first things first, read the instructions.
Meaning: Of the highest or best quality
Example: Zoe is a first-rate designer; that’s why she’s so successful.
In the first place
Meaning: From the beginning; at the outset
Example: Why didn’t you tell me in the first place that he was your cousin?!
First world
Meaning: The most prosperous countries that have many industries and advanced economies
Example: People who live in the First World consume more than 80% of the planet’s resources.
Incorporating expressions with “first” into our conversations adds depth and variety to the way we communicate. These expressions allow us to convey meaning more precisely and express ourselves with flair. So, the next time you engage in a conversation, try using some of these expressions to make your speech more vibrant and engaging.